Led by Pete Kennedy from BrightGreen Strategies, this workshop will discuss the scope of CalGreen Building Code and how it relates to the Building Energy Efficiency Standards in Title 24, the definition of Time Dependent Valuation, the “roof ready” requirements for renewable energy and third party verification. The workshop will present case studies and their successes and failures in the field.

Join us at:
1775 Del Monte Ave, Seaside
(second floor classroom – use side entrance)
Please do not park in Graniterock lot – street parking only

Tuesday, August 25, 2015
3:30 ‐ 6:30 Program and Q&A
6:30 – 7:00 Networking

Hors d’oeuvres and beverages provided. 3.0 AIA CEUs

Program costs $20.00 for AIA members and $30.00 for non‐members
– please bring cash or a check to the program or pay online

Pay Online
