2013 AIA Monterey Bay
Monthly Program**
** Note special day and location
Set for implementation in September 2013
Dominic Roques, Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast
• The new “Post-Construction” rules will apply to all projects greater than 2500 sq.ft. of new or replaced impervious surface.
• The new “Post-Construction” rules are critical to address in the planning stages of a project. “Post-Construction” herein means designed and built-in for the project.
• How these rules got adopted outside of the normal code-adoption process, and how these new rules interface with the new State Building Code and CalGreen?
• Q&A
WHEN: Thursday, March 21, 2013
WHERE: Monterey County Assoc. of Realtors MCAR Conference Room 201-A Calle Del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, CA
(access from Canyon del Rey –plenty of parking in the Moose Lodge parking area, just beyond the building)
TIME: 5:15 – 5:45 PM: Refreshments
5:45 – 7:45 PM: Program
Please RSVP by Tuesday March 19, 2013
(831) 372-6527 or [email protected]
AIAMB Members and Sponsors, MCAR members: No Charge
Government officials: $10. All others: $20 per person.
For a PDF flyer for this event click here:MARCH_21_PROGRAM_FINALr1.pdf
To pay for this event click here: Pay Online