AIA Conference on Architecture (Day 4 of 4)
A’21 brings together leaders in architecture and beyond for a four-day, immersive digital experience that defines the year ahead. It’s the architecture and design event of the year! Four days, […]
A’21 brings together leaders in architecture and beyond for a four-day, immersive digital experience that defines the year ahead. It’s the architecture and design event of the year! Four days, […]
AIA Monterey Bay Presents an Izor Associates Course Accessible Design: ADA Training Live Webinars: Offered monthly through the end of the year Time: 12:00 - 5:00 P.M. Learning Units: 5 […]
Save the Dates! Lecture 1: Thursday, August 26, 2021, Olof Dahlstrand Speaker Pierluigi Serraino Lecture 2: Thursday, September 23, 2021 John Thodos, FAIA Speaker Erik Dyar Lecture 3: Thursday, October […]
AIA Monterey Bay Presents an Izor Associates Course Accessible Design: ADA Training Live Webinars: Offered monthly through the end of the year Time: 12:00 - 5:00 P.M. Learning Units: 5 […]
We are happy to announce that AIA Monterey Bay is partnering with the Carmel Heritage Society to bring you the 2021 House and Garden Tour. The Tour is scheduled for […]
AIA Monterey Bay is a co-sponsor of this year's Sandcastle Contest, taking place on Carmel Beach south of 10th Avenue, on Saturday, October 2. Building begins at 8 a.m. with judging beginning […]
Annual Member and Sponsor Appreciation Picnic Saturday, October 2, Carmel Beach at 13th Street, 2:00 P.M. Calling all AIA Monterey Bay Sponsors and Members: you are cordially invited to be […]
AIA Monterey Bay Presents an Izor Associates Course Accessible Design: ADA Training Live Webinars: Offered monthly through the end of the year Time: 12:00 - 5:00 P.M. Learning Units: 5 […]
Join the AIA Monterey Bay community to celebrate the winners of the Excellence in Design Awards Program, and to enjoy a holiday dinner. 6:00 | No Host Reception 6:45 | […]
California Architect's Role in Climate Resiliency Brought to you by AIA CA Climate Action Resilient Design Committee and Urban Design Committee Moderator: Tian Feng FAIA FCSI | President CAB […]