EARTH: Saving Our Soils

CEU Approved for 1.5 Learning Units Cost: Free to AIA MB Members, Allies, Associates, Sponsors, and Architecture Students The AIAMB COTE is pleased to bring you the final lecture on […]

Climate Action Webinar: Specifying Sustainable Concrete

Time: 12:00 -1:00 P.M. Learning Units: 1 LU | HSW Concrete is used in nearly every structure we build today, including buildings, bridges, homes and infrastructure. With greater emphasis placed […]

AIA Conference on Architecture (Day 1 of 4)

A’21 brings together leaders in architecture and beyond for a four-day, immersive digital experience that defines the year ahead. It’s the architecture and design event of the year! Four days, […]

Green Specs: The Why, The How, Do It Now

Date: Friday, June 18, 2021 Webinar: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Learning Units: 1.25 AIA LU | HSW Description: This webinar will discuss the importance of green products and what components […]

Accessible Design: Online ADA Training

AIA Monterey Bay Presents an Izor Associates Course Accessible Design: ADA Training Live Webinars: Offered monthly through the end of the year Time: 12:00 - 5:00 P.M. Learning Units: 5 […]