by AIAMB Staff | Apr 24, 2021 | AIA News, Uncategorized
We’re hosting an all-digital event featuring some of the biggest names in architecture and design. Over four days, we’ll cover the timely topics that matter to your practice now: firm resilience, sustainable practice, community engagement, and building...
by AIAMB Staff | Feb 28, 2021 | AIA News
Join the MBEP Housing Team, New Way Homes, and YIMBY Law at a kick off event for our Housing Element Series! Join in on Friday, March 12th from 10:00 am – 11:15 am to learn more about what a Housing Element is, why it is so important to smart growth,...
by AIAMB Staff | Feb 12, 2021 | AIA News, Fire Assistance
A newly proposed bill would clarify under California law the concept of “hardened homes” that are safer or more resistant to wildfires and then require admitted carriers to cover those homes. California’s insurance commissioner and several lawmakers on Tuesday...
by AIAMB Staff | Feb 12, 2021 | AIA News, Public Information, Uncategorized
The Reimaging Recovery Award celebrates all the hard work in supporting our communities to build back better after the wildfires. Kate Rhein, AIA Intl. Assoc. (Boone Low Ratliff Architects) who had the original vision, compassion and energy to rally together...
by AIAMB Staff | Jan 31, 2021 | AIA News, Fire Assistance
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by AIAMB Staff | Nov 21, 2020 | AIA News, Public Information
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2PM What, how, WHERE do you start after fire loss and damage? Permits are the FIRST Step. Join us for an informational and Q&A time with: Monterey County Resource Management Director Carl Holm and the team leaders Freda Escobar (permit...