BIM Presentation with Blach Construction

SEE EVENT FLYER   This virtual modeling tool enables the coordination of building systems design and installation, and analysis of building efficiency and life-cycle costs, to allow a project to be fully coordinated and in a completed state of design prior to the start of construction. Learn some of the benefits of using BIM:


Presented by Ron Blue PE   LEED AP of List Engineering 1.5 LU THURSDAY, January 25, 2018   * In this presentation, Ron will define what a geothermal heat pump system is, and the various types of geothermal interfaces.   *Should a water source heat pump system be applied to your project?   *If so, should […]

AMAP: A 21st Century Diverse Approach to Preservation

Alliance of Monterey Area Preservationists Presents:   Threading the Needle:   Macro and Micro Preservation in San Francisco       A 21st Century Diverse Approach to Preservation An illustrated talk by Jonathan Pearlman, practicing architect and long-time member of San Francisco’s Historic Preservation Commission, looking at the big picture of San Francisco’s approach to preservation and the focus […]


Board Meeting

We may be alternating between The Union Bank Community Center and Graniterock Board Room.

PASSIVE HOUSE W/ ROB NICELY-Carmel Building & Design

Rob Nicely, the President and owner of Carmel Building & Design was elected to the Board of Directors of Passive House California at their January 14, 2018 meeting. Rob discovered Passive House about five years ago. It is a way of building that reduces energy demand by thoroughly detailing and constructing the building shell. While […]

How Frank Lloyd Wright Became America’s Greatest Architect Lecturer: Kathryn Smith

Approved for 1 AIA LU    Co-sponsored by Monterey Area Architectural Resources Archive (MAARA) and the Alliance of Monterey Area Preservationists (AMAP) Friday, April 20, 7 pm Canterbury Woods Auditorium, 651 Sinex Avenue near the corner of Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove About the Talk: Frank Lloyd Wright, the creator of New York's Guggenheim Museum and Fallingwater, […]