SANTA CRUZ Steps to Rebuilding after the fires

Once CalFire opens the burned areas, debris removal is the first step. Property owners are advised against attempting to do this themselves. Not only do fire-damaged properties contain hazardous materials, but removing debris yourself can disqualify you from public...

AIA Monterey Bay Committee on the Environment As the COTE (Committee on the Environment) Chair, I wanted to offer you some online resources to continue your personal and professional development in areas that are specific to...

ARC Monterey open for Services

  Monterey   Any AIA-Monterey Bay members looking for support services as they navigate a changing workflow (scanning, construction print, health & safety signs/marketing, CAD conversion….), please note that ARC’s Ryan Ranch print shop remains open, and...

“On Friday May 10th, Hartnell College hosted the AIAMB Emerging Professionals group for a webcast seminar provided by NCARB and the CAB on the steps necessary to become a licensed architect.”